Thursday, July 14, 2022

Doom metal BLACK CAPRICORN "Cult of Blood"

Doom metal BLACK CAPRICORN "Cult of Blood"

So much great music hails from Italy that it can be hard for a new release to stand out from the pack. Power trio BLACK CAPRICORN has no such problem with their new album "Cult of Blood" with its stripped-down focus on fuzzy riffs and faultless rhythms. Add some exhilarating and demonic vocals to the mix, and the result must be one of the best doom releases of the year. Listen to Cult of Blood on Bandcamp: 

Black Capricorn is from Sardinia, Italy with members: 

  • Rachela Piras - Drums
  • Virginia Piras - Bass
  • Fabrizio Monni - Guitars/Vocals 

Check out the vinyl and CD for Cult of Blood, and follow BLACK CAPRICORN band on Bandcamp at